Crate De-Stacking System
- This system delivers crates in singles starting from stacks or columns.
- There is a pneumatic version and a servo-driven solution depending the speed requirement.
- The crates to be de-stacked could have different shapes, dimensions or materials, detachable base or solid made.
- For better ergonomics, the de-stacking system could have a lift system from the pallet height on the floor, or alternatively from a higher level going down.
- For higher autonomy the crate piles could accumulated in a buffer system to be fed automatically to the de-stacking system.
Crate Stacking System
- This system stacks single crates.
- There is a pneumatic version and a servo driven solution depending the speed requirement.
- The crates to be de-stacked could have different shapes, dimensions or materials, detachable base or solid made.
- For better ergonomics, the de-stacking system could have a lift system from the pallet height on the floor or from a high level going down.
- A specific crate uses a bale arm system to allow the empty crates to stack inside each other and reduce the height of a complete column of empty crates.
- Those crates have some side supports called bale arms which need to be closed when stacking full crates.
- The bale arm closer has a set of closing arms which moves intermittently as the crate moves into the machine.
- This motion moves the bale arms from the open position to the closed position.
- The servo system allows for more than one closed position which may be required depending on the depth of the crate and the crate fill height.