Harpak-Ulma is proud to announce that DIGI, our partner and Global Leader in weigh/price/label systems for the fresh food processing industry, is now certified by the National Conference on Weights and Measures. This National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) certification verifies that DIGI equipment which uses the 3kg/6kg load cell is legal for trade use in prepackaging products. The certification attests that the machines have been independently tested and are proven to be accurate and reliable.
DIGI, the brand name of Teraoka Seiko, is one of the most technically advanced weighing companies in the world offering solutions to all weighing requirements. The DIGI line of weigh/price/labelling equipment is available in North America only through Harpak-ULMA. The addition of Digi equipment further enables Harpak-ULMA to offer complete, integrated packaging systems and deliver more value to customers.