Automated Packaging Lines

Automated Packaging Lines

Improve performance at every operational stage with advanced packaging automation.

Your entire line can become more efficient, giving you better throughput, quicker delivery to market, and a better bottom line.
Get assistance with robotic loading and sorting, primary to secondary packaging, as well as palletizing, tote management systems, and ancillary equipment including check weighing, labeling, metal detection, and shrink wrapping.

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Lower Labor Costs

Increased Productivity

Improved Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Download the eBook to get a comprehensive breakdown of automation and see how we can help!

Download the eBook to get a comprehensive breakdown of automation and see how we can help!

It’s a given that automation will continue to grow in terms of its capabilities and breadth of applications. The question is, when and where does automation make sense in your operation? This primer is designed to help you understand the fundamental precepts of automation, from types, stages, and components to running an automation project.

Download Your eBook Here:

We give you “product to pallet” packaging solutions you can’t get anywhere else.

Complete Thermoforming Automation Line

Discover automated solutions at every stage of production.

Harpak-ULMA can work with you to create customized automation solutions for your unique operations.


We have the technology to apply automation to almost every process, from feeding and loading to sealing, palletizing, labeling, tote/basket management, and more.


Contact us and let us find the right automation to match your needs.

Automatic Loading

Scale your production with innovative robotic solutions.

At Harpak-ULMA, we integrate leading-edge robotic technologies into your automation.


Vision-assisted robots pick and place products precisely using improved grippers for delicate products, while Collaborative Robots (COBOTS) replicate the dexterity and vision once only available through human labor across various packing applications.

Scale your production with innovative robotic solutions.

At Harpak-ULMA, we integrate leading-edge robotic technologies into your automation.


Vision-assisted robots pick and place products precisely using improved grippers for delicate products, while Collaborative Robots (COBOTS) replicate the dexterity and vision once only available through human labor across various packing applications.

Automatic Loading
Carton Forming

Get help navigating the automation choices unique to your product.

When automating your operations, don’t go it alone. Make Harpak-ULMA your trusted partner in finding the exact solution you need.


Our automation solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with all the equipment on your line, whether it’s processing, packaging or other automation equipment.


Working with our experts, you’ll uncover all the ways automation improvements can modernize your operations and improve productivity at every stage of your packaging process.

See automated packaging solutions in action:

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